Measurement Quantization

The paper entitled, Measurement Quantization was submitted to the International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics and entered peer review on August 16, 2022. The paper was accepted for publication on October 29 for Vol. 19, No. 13 (2022). This paper contains new and clarified derivations for 82.5% of the 22 most significant problems in modern theory (covering general physics, quantum gravity, cosmology & GR). Examples of such problems include complete descriptions of dark matter, dark energy, equivalence, expansion, the quantum epoch, discrete gravity, unification, discrete solutions to special and general relativity, singularities, derives the physical constants, derives the Planck unit expressions, presents a parameter free history of early universe events without inflation, description of a new form of length contraction and more. The paper also presents several examples of experimental support. Importantly, predictions of ‘new physics’ are made and those predictions are measured, analyzed and confirmed.