Measurement Quantization Describes History of Universe—Quantum Inflation, Transition to Expansion, CMB Power Spectrum

Geiger maps out a history of early universe events, starting with the quantum epoch, a physical concise description of what ends this epoch, and what begins the expansionary epoch. There are no free parameters, all expressions a straight-forward implementation of existing classical expressions. Importantly, theories such as Inflation are shown to be incorrect and unnecessary to account for the homogenous properties of our universe.

The Measurement Quantization approach offers the first account of early universe history without parameterization. Moreover, physical confirmation is resolved through several measures of the CMB, most notably its quantity, age and present-day density and temperature.

The paper, Measurement Quantization Describes History of Universe – Quantum Inflation, Transition to Expansion, CMB Power Spectrum can be found published in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation, and Cosmology.