The Measurement Quantization (MQ) Collaboration for Foundational Research is a group of scientists focused on applying MQ to modern physics, including classical and quantum physics, cosmology, gravitation, and high-energy physics. The MQ Collaboration is global in membership and universal in the scope of its research.

Institutions or individual scientists interested in joining the MQ Collaboration can learn more about the process here.


Classical & Quantum Physics

The fundamental measures used to describe nature may be reduced in their entirety as functions of length, mass and time. The CQP group carries forward experiments that disentangle the fundamental measures from the well-known laws of nature and in doing so build a unified description of nature in a single non-reducable nomenclature. This effort was first approached by Planck. His efforts lead to a new understanding of many relations today expressed in terms of the Planck Units and the constants G and ħ.

MQ allows researchers to complete that journey with new descriptions of gravitational curvature, magnetism and electricity, with a greater understanding of frames of reference that incorporates the target, the observer and the system (i.e. the universe) and with further distinction between two classes of relations, derivatives of the fundamental expression and boundary expressions.



Measurement quantization, a new clue in the search to understand phenomena on the cosmological scale, has opened the door to dark energy, dark matter, galactic rotation, inflation and the origins of our universe. Each of these phenomena have been measured and investigated extensively, but it was not until the arrival of MQ that a single approach could provide one definitive explanation for all of them.

The cosmological group continues this research with a new tool. Researchers are breaking down the finer details of galactic rotation, looking towards universal mass/energy distributions as a straight-forward matter of what the observer sees, will see and can never see, replacing inflation with a new model of quantum inflation which in itself builds a physically significant foundation with which to unravel the early years of the universe.



Several approaches have yielded successful descriptions of gravitation with limitations at the extremes (i.e. singularities) and an inability to correlate to the other forces. Measurement quantization has begun to bridge that gap, first by describing nature with a quantum nomenclature thus eliminating singularities, and in the area of new research directly linking the phenomena of gravitation to that of electricity and magnetism. MQ goes further also providing a straight-forward description of measurement distortion with respect to targets in motion and in gravitational fields, demonstrating their equality not just numerically, but in physical description. MQ has succeeded in providing a new language that bridges the forces of nature and each of the fundamental frames of reference into a single approach.

With this new approach, the Gravitational Group returns to the core principles of relative measure to dissect the role of the observer from observed to redefine existing knowledge as a subset of a broader paradigm. Now with three frames of reference, their differential provides for a suite of new opportunities in the exploration of gravitation.


Information Theory

Measurement quantization opens the door to writing the laws of nature in a single nomenclature with quantum precision across the entire measurement domain. MQ can describe cosmological phenomena such as the expansion of the universe in the same three state terms (lf, mf and tf) as that needed to describe quantum phenomena. Similarly, MQ can describe gravity using the same nomenclature as a description of electricity or magnetism.

The laws and constants of nature written as such also conform well with respect to well-known geometric relations (i.e. classical relativity). This opens the door to theorems and methods commonly used in quantum information at the qubit level where the third state (mf) may be considered a composite of the other two mf=nLu/nTu. A single nomenclature bridges the principles of information theory to those of nature, using existing definitions for fundamental units of measure and events discretely divided by the fundamental units of length, mass and time.

Applications in physical theory are seemingly unlimited; the universe is then recast as a fixed set of qubits that provide a foundation for resolving what the universe is, what is outside the universe, what the future might be. Applications include refined definitions of the properties and parameters that make up the physical constants, that define the laws of conservation and necessitate physical relations.

The MQ approach provides a foundation with which to ask more fundamental questions. Instead of describing the behavior of matter, we can now ask why the laws of nature exist, what are the constraining parameters that necessitate the laws that are then used to describe the matter that is observed. We may now resolve why the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s.


High Energy Physics

With recent advances in the field of measurement quantization, new opportunities for research have opened with investigations that correlate gravity and magnetism, ultimately providing a new mathematical framework for particle physics. Specifically, the Fine Structure Constant has been found to be a geometric relation in much the same manner as pi. In turn, the relation represents a specific sequence, one of several sequences. Each sequence defines the base states of electron orbits, the Fine Structure Constant (FSC) indentifying the lowest base state consistent with electron orbits in our universe.

This discovery opens the door to several new fields of investigation. Are the other sequences viable universes? It may be that the physical laws associated with other sequences are unstable. But if there are stable states, then a new door opens as to why our universe is consistent with the sequence we identify with the FSC. The sequences also open the door to potentially understanding what conditions preceeded the earliest known epoch. The mere fact that there are multiple sequences, that our universe exists and that it corresponds to one of those sequences implies the existence of state-selection external to the universe, that being whatever properties and/or physical characteristics that played into the result ... us.

The sequences also provide the long-saught bridge connecting gravity with electromagnetism in expression form and in physical description. The two phenomena may now be described using a single nomenclature ... fundamental units of measure ... to describe and interrelate each as desired. Notably, this is an exciting new field of research and we have not completed or published a paper regarding the new results. But, much of this work will be available soon.

Published Research