Committed to Research

The Informativity Institute™ conducts research along two main lines of inquiry:

  1. Advancing the theoretical framework of Informativity to discover new findings

  2. Devising and conducting experiments to validate predictions made by Informativity

 The MQ Collaboration for Foundational Research

The MQ Collaboration is a global effort to bring front-tier research into the field of measurement quantization. New breakthroughs in our understanding of quantum gravity, dark matter, dark energy, the expansion and birth of the universe, atomic structure and more are all exciting new areas of research that have found new vigor in light of research into the quantization of measure.

The institute has formulated a master research plan spread across four groups in an effort to increase the rate of discovery in several exciting fields at the frontiers of modern theory. We are presently reaching out to researchers deeply engaged in these fields of inquiry and how their efforts might play a contributing role in the MQ Collaboration.

Please see the MQ Collaboration site for more information on the group, and how to join.