We Push Back the Frontiers of Physics with
Research and Education in the Field of Informativity

Informativity is a discipline of physics that uses Measurement Quantization (MQ) to unite classical and quantum physics. When applying MQ to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle three properties of measure are resolved; values for the three measures are identified and the basis for a new mathematical framework is created. For each measure there is a fundamental unit of measure and a count of that measure which are then multiplied. In this way the discrete properties of phenomena are preserved.

Importantly, the discrete Measurement Frame is distinguished

from the non-discrete Target Frame (the latter which describes the properties of a phenomenon with respect to the universe). It is the difference between these frames that allow us to resolve expressions and values for the physical constants and the laws of of nature.

The Institute for Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics™ - formally the Informativity Institute - conducts research into the field of Informativity, educating the scientific community, the public, and disseminating scholarship.

Measurement Quantization - proposing a new paradigm.

Every century or so, an advance is made that changes how we understand the foundations of physics. Some physical principles evolve from one mode of thought to the next. And sometimes the very principles on which our understanding of nature are built, change. We call such changes a shift in paradigm.

By example, Ptolemy envisioned that the Earth was at the center of the universe. He also advanced the idea that planets moved in circles around the Earth. To account for their motions required an elaborate collection of geometric principles.

This paradigm continued until the time of Copernicus, who advanced the idea that the Earth and planets orbited the sun. He also argued for circles, so while the change was significant, it was only part of a much larger problem.

Kepler offered yet another change. His argument was that planets followed paths other than circles, namely ellipses. The need for offset circles and epicycles were no longer needed.

Newton, the father of physics, set forth the principles of calculus. He resolved many of the most fundamental laws of nature, much as we use them today. He shifted the paradigm, arguing that the laws of nature applied as much to the heavens as they did on Earth. That is, the same motions that directed the paths of planets also directed apples falling from trees.

Einstein introduced a shift in paradigm. He argued that the notion of measure was not absolute. He also argued that the speed of light was constant for all observers. And he proposed the equivalence principle, that the behavior of inertial and gravitational frames were equal and indistinguishable.

Measurement Quantization (MQ) offers a new paradigm for consideration. Notably, with MQ we readily recognize that all the existing laws of physics are resolved with respect to the discrete Measurement Frame of the observer. As the Target Frame of the universe has no external reference, MQ finds that the Target Frame must be non-discrete. And when considering their difference, we resolve expressions and values for the physical constants and the laws of nature. Never before have the physical constants been derived from more fundamental principles.

So what is MQ? In simplest form, MQ is a physically significant nomenclature. We take existing classical expressions and write them in terms of counts nL, nM, and nT of fundamental measures - lf, mf, and tf. When written as such, expressions reduce to either counts, measures or the fundamental expression. A notable example includes Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 2nLrnMnL=nT. This expression has been reduced to find that all measure terms cancel, leaving only the counts. Consider then, how could the uncertainty principle describe measure, when there are no measure terms?

In the same way, using MQ helps us recognize that space cannot be curved. References, by definition, have no smaller features. In that a curve is made up of smaller considerations of length, and the fundamental length (i.e., the Planck length) is the smallest length having physical significance, how could curved space be physically significant? MQ demonstrates that the appearance of curvature is actually a function of lost fractional counts with each increment in time tf. That loss, is the phenomenon of gravity.

We might ask, can we prove MQ is physically significant? Yes. This has been accomplished in multiple ways. The easiest regards the most basic prediction of MQ, that measure is quantized. If measure with respect to the Measurement Frame is discrete, then would not the loss of the non-discrete portion of a more precise calculation therein also describe length contraction? And would this length contraction be easily resolved from the existing measurement data?

We call this effect the Informativity differential. It is not related to relativity; it is an entirely new form of relativity. And it can be resolved with respect to each publication of the CODATA physical constants. We've carried out the calculations in this paper, thus resolving the experimental conditions of each experiment for G and ħ for the 2010, 2014, and 2018 publications. The results match the calculations digit-for-digit, for all 6 measures and the 9 resultant calculations of the Planck Units.

Measurement Quantization Describes the Physical Constants Using Only the Fundamental Units

Starting with a new nomenclature - reference measures and counts of those measures - the three properties of measure are resolved: discreteness, count-ability and their relation to the three frames of reference. With that, an understanding of the physical significance of fundamental units of measure and the quantization of measure can be used to unite the classical and quantum physics.  What follows are expressions for the fundamental constants of nature, the laws of nature and a new mathematical approach for understanding how they are related. A few select constants from the menu above are:

Measurement Quantization Explains the Most Confounding Problems in
Physics and Cosmology

MQ is not an exercise in mathematical aerobics or fuzzy metaphysics, but a practical model delivering physically significant and verifiable descriptions of today's most pernicious cosmological puzzles: